Time Flies
I can't believe my baby is going to preschool already. He had his first day yesterday, very emotional for me. I got him all ready, he had his back pack on and lunchpail in hand. He went out the door with his Papa, about 1/2 way down the walk he turned around and waved good-bye to me, then he hopped in the car and Papa got in and they drove off. I cried. I felt so silly, but I couldn't help it. I just cried and thought about the day he was born and how small he was. Where in the world does the time go?? It's already been four years since he was born? You can be serious, I mean, he's still my baby. It's hard to believe, obviously, but it's even harder to accept. He had a great day. When he got home and told me all about his day... I wasn't sure if I should feel better or worse. I mean, he had a lot of fun and he wants to go back, and that's what I'm supposed to want him to say... right? :S I'm sure I'll figure out my emotions, until then I...