
Showing posts from December, 2010

Washing My Hair in the Sink

We woke up late this morning. Jerome and Xavier decided to sleep in and Sylvain didn't set his alarm. I woke up and looked around, it was bright in our room. Oh no. That means the sun is coming up. That means it's after 7am. Crap. Turns out it was 7:45am. My dayhome is 'supposed' to be open at 7am, Sylvain is supposed to be off to work at 7:30. EEK! Jump out of bed, don't even get dressed, run downstairs and check the front door. Nobody. Whew. Then I start to wander around and turn on lights, straighten up and realize I probably have to wash my face. Make up, wonderful... unless you go to bed with it on. Anyway. Everything started out in a hurry, but slowed down after that. I was going to have a dayhome safety check done today, but she called and rescheduled. But that wasn't before I ran around putting things away, cleaning things, locking up cupboards, etc. Sheesh. In between babies snacking, playing, diaper changes. And that was BEFORE lunch! I remember I have...