
Showing posts from November, 2011

I'm not sure if I'll ever grow up

Xavier? Yes Maman? Do you think I should cut my hair again? You mean like a rockstar? Yea. Probably. Why probably? Because your hair makes you look like a maman. ? What the heck is THAT supposed to mean? Oh well, that's what I get for asking advice from a 5year old. A pretty awesome 5 year old, but a 5 year old nonetheless. I started to wonder earlier on the weekend if I'm every going to really feel like the grown up. Most of the time it feels like I'm just being the bossy older kid that gets pissy when she doesn't get her own way. You know, like it feels when you're not winning that stupid nintendo game against your younger brother. He always made me feel uncoordinated... no matter that I am, but that's another blog I think. We were at the science centre on the weekend. Wicked awesome place, by the way. And I found myself not caring where my kids were, and getting upset when they were wrecking my tunnel system at one of the exhibits. And i...

Damned if you do or don't

While having dinner with a friend and friends of that friend one of those dreaded subjects came up... Taxes? Nah... Politics? Nope... Religion? Yikes... that's the one. My friend and her friends are of the Mormon church. They were talking about what they're involved with, their "calling's", how many children, etc etc. Being very curious, I started asking questions. How many children do you have? What is a "calling"? And questions of that sort. I'm naturally curious... and no, I don't care how many cats it killed. Of course, if you ask questions, you should be prepared to answer some yourself. It's sort a double-edged sword I guess. Maybe that's what killed the cat.... hmm... something to ponder... but that's a different blog I think. They asked me how many children I have. Two. Oh, and are you finished having children? Yes. Oh. What the heck does that mean?!? Ok, never mind, be nice. What do you do for a living? Oh, I ...

I'll always remember

While we sat down for dinner last night, Sylvain and I decided to take a few minutes to explain the rules of going to the Military Museums to Xavier. They were going on a field trip with Beavers last night and he's never been to a museum like that, so we wanted to make sure he didn't think he could touch and play with everything. Papa: Xavier, at the museum do we touch all the things that are there for people to see? Xavier: No. Papa: Because there are some ropes in front of things at the museum, and it looks like you could just go under them, but we can't do that. Xavier: Ropes? Like the ones at the pool? Me: Sort of, honey, but these ones are to protect the things from everybody touching them. Papa: Now, if the other Beavers decide they're going to go under the ropes and not pay attention to the rules, is Xavier going to do that? Xavier: No, Papa. I'm not. But I want to see the guns. That would be so cool. And I wonder if they will let us touch them too... ...

I was chosen

There's a saying, that I've heard more than once, that you cannot choose your family. That's not true. I was chosen . In 1987 my mother met my father. I was 6 at the time and my brother 4. It took him a while to find us, but in the end, he did. I do not share any of his genes, but people, even my father-in-law, says that we look so much alike. A lot of people have told me how much of him they see in my children, his grandsons. And each time I hear these comments I grin and stand a little taller. Mostly because it's true, but also because I truly believe that he was meant to be my father, our father, and it just took him a while to find us. It means a lot to go into a relationship with a woman that has two children from a previous... whatever it was... I guess what I'm trying to say is that it means a lot to go into the relationship and stay there. A lot of men wouldn't bother, some would try and give up, but there's only one that jumped in feet first...

It'll keep you.

Lately, and by more than a few people, I've been asked how I keep my motivation. The word motivation is derived from the word motive. And Webster's dictionary defines motive as something (such as a need or desire) that causes a person to act. It's simple enough to find out what the word means, but the "something" in that definition is a little more difficult to define. The core of everyone's motivation should be themselves. It should be that they're trying to improve themselves for them. So the answer to everyone's question, how do I keep my motivation? I don't keep it, it keeps me. It's so overwhelming trying to better yourself. With a child or children to take care of, a home, work, friends and just life in general. To find time is impossible, but to MAKE time to better yourself? That's a challenge, but a necessary one. My whole life I've made excuses for my faults and short-comings, I never took responsibility for creating my...