Cautious or paranoia?
So... here I am again... bronchitis... my kids have bronchitis and pnuemonia... geezus... what's wrong with me? why can't I just get a normal cold? normal flu attack? AARRGHH!!! I'm so tired of being so sick. I mean. Yea. It could be worse. I could be in the hospital. I could be bed-ridden. I could be... well... it could be a LOT worse. My kids are going to get sick. Right? I mean, they're kids. Low to the ground, don't wash their hands enough, put things in their mouth they shouldn't, get coughed on and sneezed on, licking door handles... well, okay, maybe that last one is just my kids... My point? I KNOW why I'm sick. I KNOW why my kids are sick. Hell... I KNOW why they and I get bronchitis and pnuemonia more than just colds. What I don't know? Why people insist and telling me my business. No, not just sharing their opinion. Not just offering advice. Nope, not even giving me an ear to bitch into. Nope. TELLING. ME. I. AM. WRONG. That's ...