Not so long ago... in a not so far away place..
Once upon a time... not so long ago... kids were raised by their parents and family. Not by opinionated strangers. Not by interfering acquaintances. Not by offensive passersby. Not even by over-bearing, all-knowing, have-read-every-parenting-book-in-the-whole-world... ... well... you get the idea. Not too long ago I started to get offended by everybody that offered their... ahem... unsolicited advice. Mostly about Jerome, but some about my parenting. I've been called a "paranoid parent" by some... they've never seen me at the zoo or science centre with my boys... BE FREE! But I was called this because I was telling my boys to NOT scale a clunky old swing set that is teetering at the top of a hilled yard... oh yes... I'm paranoid.. .that they'll fall and break their skull in your YARD!! There's nothing wrong with my getting offended. Nothing wrong with feeling hurt by the other moms that decided I wasn't as good as they are. Nothing wrong...