These Days

Have you ever had one of those days that makes you wonder about yourself? That makes you think about everything and nothing all at the same time? Today was one of those days. It's a day like today that makes me have to try harder. The temptation to give up is almost alway there, but sometimes it can yell louder than all the optimism and positivity I can muster. No. It wasn't just one little boy that made me feel this way. It was too many things at once. That little boy. Xavier being sick... again. Jerome needing speech therapy. My weightloss not going as well as I hoped. My inability to run because of my head cold/allergies. Vacation planning. Stress-ball doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. The little boy this morning needs love. He needs a chance to settle down. He needs his mom to not be so... so care-free. But I just can't wrap my head around being bit/hit/smacked/pinched all the while trying to take care of two 2yr olds and my own almost three year...