What happens when a stay at home mom that runs a dayhome starts to do stand-up comedy? Her husband starts to wonder about her priorities. Funny? No? Yea. It wasn't last night either. That was the "discussion" topic last night. That "discussion" lead me to sleep downstairs. He complained that he doesn't get to go out. Not even stop at the grocery store for milk. Because he has to be home at a specific time all the time, or I get angry. Hm. Okay. Let's clarify. Before Christmas I was going to the gym for classes about 3x a week. And yes. He had to be home before 5:30 so I could get to said classes on time. Over the holidays, I decided a few things. That those classes weren't what I really NEEDED to lose weight. All this time at the gym is a good thing, except when it makes Sylvain come home early and deal with our kids at the end of the day (which is the worst time) so much by himself. So I spoke to him about starting to go back to what ...