While I was waiting I changed

I called the doctor the other day to find out if they had sent in my referral for the weight loss surgery. Turns out they did. That centre sent notification that they received the paper work and I am basically now in the queue to get on the waiting list. Yup. I'm on the waiting list to get on the waiting list. And know something? I'm not upset. Nope. I would've been about a week ago. Before Lola. Lola is our miniature dachshund. She has a spine injury of some sort. We're not too terribly sure WHAT the injury is. We won't know until Saturday, or possibly next Thursday. We were referred to a Canine Fitness centre. Yup. They have those. We were told they generally take dogs that are worse off, but they're hopeful about her signs that she still has feeling in her legs/tail/etc. You know what I did when I thought about Lola in pain and having to be put down (this was before I had seen her)? I cried. For almost three hours. I actually said out loud... I ...