I'm not scared anymore

A year ago, yesterday, the world was robbed of one of the funniest and most sincere men around. The heavens gained another star, but our lives were left a bit emptier, a hole where his presence would've been. Robin Williams took his own life as a result of dementia, Parkinson's and depression. A sad fact is that up to 15% of those clinically depressed will die by their own hands. Depression accompanies other illnesses and conditions often. Up to 50% of Parkinson's patients will experience some level of depression. There is so much information about depression, yet, people are scared and/or unwilling to talk about it. Obviously I didn't know Mr. Williams personally. But he had a huge impact on my little life. He was funny, charming and not always well liked. I loved all his movies (yes, all of them) and I became obsessed with watching all of them... and as I got older, his stand up routines. Many an hour on YouTube I've spent searching him. ...