Day 9: I Haven't Killed Anyone Yet
I'm on day nine of this liquid pre-op diet, and like the title says, everyone is alive and well... or at the very least, they're alive. After nine days I've discovered a few things about myself. Not all of it is flattering. 1) I like food. I don't love it. I don't need it. However, I do enjoy it. I miss the tastes, textures and flavours that food offers. For some strange reason, lettuce is on top of that list. 2) Emotional eating is not limited to anger and sadness. In the nine days I've been on Ensure and clear fluids I still need to parent. I'm a mom and need to make sure my kids stay in line. When I get frustrated with them or am upset at them or if I'm relieved or happy or any other emotion you can think of that involves my children, I eat. I have something, candy or fruit, doesn't matter, I have something. in the last nine days I've had to just deal with my shit in order for things to keep flowing. 3) I'm not as tough as I let ...