Thoughts for the year

So for the past year, as I'm sure many of you have, lots of goals were set and not all were achieved. But of course, goals change. They change shape, need more time or less, require more effort or less, need to be placed on the back burner or shoved in front... whatever the goal is, as long as I was working towards it, that was what kept me going. New goals? Well, duh! Of course I have new goals! Some I made last year FOR this year, but they're goals nonetheless. I still have three of the five 5k runs left to do before the end of next August, and get up the gumption (is that even a word?) to sign up for a 10k after that! Sheesh... that's a lot of running. Getting organized, once and for all... yea... it's one of those never-gonna-happen scenarios, but I can at least get better at putting things away before the clutter gets the better of me. Listen better. To myself. To my children. To my Husband... well... that's gonna be a tough one! Be more social. Se...