Yes, I am THAT mom.

I was up until 1am last night. Painting a pinata, icing a cake and thinking of what else I need to do before the morning sunrise comes and I run out of time. Yes, I do that.

I also make my kids eat his veggies before he gets cake, share his new toys with his little brother and refuse to let him play with one of those new toys for the rest of the day because of something he said to his father. Yes, I do that.

I am THAT mom.

And I'm damn proud of it.

I refuse to be caught up in the moment of the 'birthday party'. I will not let him get away with crap just because it's his day. I don't know if it's just habit or if it's that little voice in my head. You know that one that tells me if I let him get away with stuff on 'his' day then he'll totally take advantage of that as he gets older. There are a few people that frown at me, tell me I should just let him be, try to take my attention away, etc. etc. I'm sure that some can understand where I come from. But I wonder.

I wonder what happened to those days. Way back when we were little. This isn't a 'I got spanked when I was little...' blah blah blah. I just wonder why we've come so far from those days? How did we, those that grew up with belts and played in the streets, become such pansies??

Yesterday a woman, a full grown woman, was trying to reason with her 4 year old as to why he could only have one toy and not two... ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I remember if my little sister every threw a fit, far and few between I would add, we were gone. Out of that store, into the car and oh my... she was in for it. Not a beating, but she was yelled at, something was taken away and/or she was sent to her room when we got home. So I assume the same was for me when I was little, same with my brother.

It wasn't because we embarassed her, it wasn't because we misbehaved. It was because we, for a moment, lost our perspective of the situation. She's the adult. We're the child. We listen, do as we're told, because we respect her. We love her. And maaaayyyybe a little scared of what might happen if we didn't listen! HEHEHEHE!!

There are times I'm sure when we didn't deserve a reprimand or spanking, etc. But nobody is perfect.

Isn't that the point? We learn from our parents efforts and try to do better?

I don't spank my kids. I do yell at them. I don't leave the store when they have a fit. I do take them aside for time out and punish them by taking something away. There are some things that shouldn't change. Respect shouldn't change.

My kids are being raised differently than I was, but the result is the same. They respect me. They love me.

Yes. I'm ranting. I know. But when I see parents trying to reason with a child that is in an obvious state that won't allow for reasoning... it pushes buttons. It makes me wanna go over, slap the parent and shake them. Take your kid out of the store! Give them a timeout! Don't let them run all over you!

Just an opinion. Don't take it to heart. If you read this and you're the 'other type' of parent. I don't know how you do it. But this is my opinion. Not gonna change.


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