Thoughts for the year

So for the past year, as I'm sure many of you have, lots of goals were set and not all were achieved. But of course, goals change. They change shape, need more time or less, require more effort or less, need to be placed on the back burner or shoved in front... whatever the goal is, as long as I was working towards it, that was what kept me going.

New goals? Well, duh! Of course I have new goals!

Some I made last year FOR this year, but they're goals nonetheless. I still have three of the five 5k runs left to do before the end of next August, and get up the gumption (is that even a word?) to sign up for a 10k after that! Sheesh... that's a lot of running.

Getting organized, once and for all... yea... it's one of those never-gonna-happen scenarios, but I can at least get better at putting things away before the clutter gets the better of me.

Listen better. To myself. To my children. To my Husband... well... that's gonna be a tough one!

Be more social. See friends, go out, not worry SO much about the kids getting to bed EXACTLY on time or eating EXACTLY when they should... I guess that means taking it easy too, not just being more social.

But I think the most important thing for me this year? Just living. Like what I've got and work for what I want. It's hard to do that. As much as we CAN'T have everything or maybe say that we don't WANT everything, it's not true. There's always something that somebody else has or will have that we'll want. It's that stupid little green eyed monster that bites me in the ass more times than I care to admit. I've always been envious of others. And I think this is the perfect time to admit that. When I need self-reflection and honesty.

To name a few? Here you go.

Heather Atlee - for being an inspiration to so many for different reasons. For being able to love herself enough to give herself the freedom to live the way she does.

Maria Hunter - for her dedication, her selflessness, and her ability to make it all seem so effortless.

Kim Mills - for the passion she has in her writing, her church and her life. If we could only learn something small from the time (or blog) we share with her!

Anne Benoit - for the smarts that I can only wish I had, where she lives and what she works for.

Jill Voyer - for the friendships she has, her ability to make everybody feel special and cared for.

Kristen Brodeur - for her bravery.

Paul Molyneux - for his damn ability to own cats without going into an allergic/asthmatic reaction, and of course, the freedom he has to spend with friends while still being grounded enough to spend Friday nights with his family at dinner.

Melanie Lepine - for being able to bear all, hear all and endure all... and still feel love for others.

Jo-Anne Ogden - for being... well... for being her... her light, her enthusiasm, her ability to move and shout and scream and tell you to keep it coming! Love her so much.

Those are just a few. I can almost guarantee that I've been envious of all my friends at one point or another for either a bit or a long while. It's a weakness or I guess, a fault I have. That's my most important goal this year. To accept me for who I can be, not who I think I SHOULD be.

There are a great many things in my life that I was sure I would never do... I mean NEVER do. Like running for instance. I never thought in this life or the next few, that I would ever WANT to run, let alone set insane goals of 5 and 10k races for myself! Why did I start? Because a small voice in my head said, go ahead, you can do it. It was a very small voice, timid even, it was being drowned out by all the shouting of the other voices in my head.


When you ignore those other voices? The ones you've you been listening to all your life? The strangest things happen. You start to feel good about yourself. You have confidence. You WANT to do it, regardless of success or fail. Sometimes I don't even care about the success or fail, it's the effort, the journey I want.

There's a song that I'd like to share some lyrics from. It's new, but it's me... :)

You're so mean
When you talk
About yourself
You are wrong
Change the voices
In your head
Make them like you
So complicated
Look how big you'll make it
Filled with so much hatred
Such a tired game
It's enough
I've done all I can think of
Chased down all my demons
See you do the same

Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than
Fu**in' perfect

~ Pink - Fu**in' Perfect ~

Love to all of you. Wishing you so much achievement and self-fulfillment in the coming year. :) Watch for my blogs, they'll be boring and interesting, but they'll be me!


  1. I'm in a blog! I'm in a blog! Oh, wait, this is not about me........ right....... :)
    Yay you! You can do this, and hey, taking on a 10k? That's more than I was willing to do for YEARS after I started running! You go girl!


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