I want to be a REAL baby!

Tonight my baby boy wanted to be a baby again.

We were getting the boys ready for bed, just had a bath and goofing around on our bed. It was the same thing we've done for ages. Xavier was jumping around and doing some odd flips and he happened to get hurt a little. Nothing major, just twisted wrong somehow.

Sylvain picked him up and hugged him and swayed back and forth with him. He finished getting him dressed, hugged him again and put him down on the floor. Well. That was when it all went downhill.

Xavier started crying, and I mean crying, not screaming/whining/complaining, but an honest-to-goodness cry. He didn't want to be put down, he wanted to be picked up. I had Jerome and just told him to come to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He got on his stool, still crying, and looked in the mirror. He told us something we haven't heard before.

"I want to be a baby."
"But you'll always be our baby."
"But... but not a REAL baby!" more sobbing, "I want to be a real baby again!"

We were a little shocked by what we heard. So after talking to him a bit, Sylvain picked him up and said he'd rock him before bed tonight. On his way to his room, he started to talk to me.

"Maman, will I always be 4?"
"No honey, you're going to get older."
"But I don't want to! I want to stay 4!"
"Well, you'll be 4 for a little while."
"Can't I stay a little boy?"
"One day you'll grow up, but not for a long time. And you'll always be my little boy."
"Yes, forever and more."

Sylvain told him that he'll always be our little boy, just like he is to Grand-maman and Grand-papa, and just like I am to Gramma Sissy and Grandpa B. It doesn't matter how old he gets, he'll always always be our little boy.

That seemed to make him feel better. But after I rocked Jerome and put him down for the night, I went into my bedroom, sat on my bed and cried.

It seems like just yesterday he was so small and dependent on us, but now he acts so grown up all the time it's hard to remember that he is still just a little boy. Do you ever find yourself expecting you children to act/be a certain way? Ever think that maybe, just maybe, you're expecting TOO much? I do now. I started to think about all the things I missed out with him when I went back to work, the days we sit there and do nothing, just sit and watch TV or read books... those days seem just as precious as the days where we're doing something fantastic or adventurous.

I won't always have my little boy hugging my leg and asking me for the millionth time why Nemo touched the bottom of the boat when his papa told him not to. But I know that for the time being my little boy wants to be my little boy.


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