Coke Zero

It's been a week since I've bought a case of Coke Zero for the house. Just over a week actually. And it's been tough. Really tough.

I didn't realize how addicted I was to it. And now that I haven't had it in the house, it's strange not to see the empty cans everywhere. I'm so used to cleaning up the next morning, anywhere from 6 to 10 empties. Pick them up from the living room, put them in the kitchen, and every other day or so put them out in the recycling. I haven't had to put a new bag in our recycling can in a week.

It was supposed to be a New Year's resolution of mine, stop drinking diet cola. I never really stuck to it. Very difficult when you're the only one in the house trying to quit. Sylvain was still drinking it, and I started to sneak them. Well, no, not really sneak them. The only person I was trying to fool was myself. Thinking that if it didn't LOOK like I took any then it would be better. Sheesh. What a moron I can be sometimes.

Either way, the change? Sylvain. It seems like I need him to help me make those major changes in life and diet. He's the reason we don't have a constant supply in the house anymore. His choice to quit with me has been a tremendous help! I was a bit foolish to think I was going to be able to quit while he was still drinking it.

What changed his mind, you ask? When I brought up the possibility of getting LapBand surgery. Sylvain did his Sylvain thing, he listened to what I've read about it, listened to the cost and understood that I wasn't taking it lightly.

But he did something else. He read in-between the lines. He listened to what I was really saying. I am desperate. I can't do this on my own. I need your help. I need other options. I am going crazy trying to do this without some nudges.

So a day or two later he asked me if he stopped drinking Coke Zero, if that would help me quit too. YES! Oh my gosh, yes. If would help so much.

As a result? When we ran out, we didn't get more. It's gone and no more is coming in this house. Sylvain's mom always has a stock pile of pop for us, when Sylvain told her we were quitting, she was extremely happy for us. She's always thought that the pop was just inhibiting us from losing weight. But when your mom or mom-in-law tells you so... man... that can't be true... of course being the kids, we know better! Right?? ;)

Life without Coke Zero is, well... odd. I drink more water. I don't have morning headaches, I would have a headache until I had that first Zero. I seem to have a greater desire to get down on the floor and play with the kids. I don't want near as many sweets. AND when I do have sweets, I don't eat as much because it seems SOOO sweet.

Example? The other day I stopped at Timmies to get a sandwich and a donut. I ate the sandwich, yummy, and only 1/4 of the stupid donut. It was sooo friggin' sweet. I thought I was going to get sick. Blech.

Food in general seems to taste better without washing it down with a coke zero. It's so weird the things that have changed, all because I stopped drinking something that's supposedly okay for "dieters". I hope this is the first step of the next 50lbs I'll lose. I think if I cut down/out one thing at a time, like one thing per month, I'll be able to hold onto it and not revert back to my old habits. I'm still going to have the odd pop... here and there... but NOTHING like what I was doing before. :)

Keep me in your thoughts. Any extra strength or positivity you can send my way would be MUCH appreciated. :)

My motivation keeps me.


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