Grief has no expiration date... neither does love

Yesterday my dear hubby had to go to the Festival des Sucres (or Maple Festival) to help do some activities with the Francophone scouts. Which meant that the boys and I were left to our own devices. Excellent. I spent the morning cleaning my room. Oh yes. I'm a big partay animal! The boys spent the morning playing quite nicely together. This is where you're thinking... "cleaning? your room ?? what, that took all of an hour ? hehehehe..." Nope. I never really held onto that lesson of keeping your room clean. My room is almost always a disaster. Things dumped here, stacked there, stuffed under that, draped on that... etc etc. So I gave it a good purge, dust, wipe, fold and vacuum. It's no awesome. :) No, you get no before and after pictures, it was THAT bad. But I'm rambling. I didn't start this entry to tell you how horrible my room is and how it took me like 4 hours to clean... ok, maybe I did... but I have OTHER motives too! I f...