The Ugly

I debated this post.

This is a difficult thing for me.

However, with this journey, this new chapter of the rest of my life... I feel I need to share the good, the bad AND the ugly.

Hair loss. It's a very real side effect of weight loss surgery.

Mine has hit me and I finally started to notice it.

My sister (whom I love so very very much) knew it would hit me hard, so she encouraged me to buy Rogaine for women and head it off. No pun intended. Well. Maybe a little.

I started using it and it seems to be working. I've got some fuzz on the top of my head.

When I was taking selfies of my face today I noticed something rather odd. My forehead seemed to have grown. I was confused. Then I looked down and took a photo of the top of my head. This is what I saw:

I would not do well bald. All I do in the summer is burn!

It's not that hard to see. Near the front of my hairline, where my bangs would be, you can see a whole lot of scalp there. And as it turns out, my scalp has freckles! Who knew??

This part sucks for most people. For me it's devastating. I have very little hair and the hair I do have is very very thin. I was prepared for the hair loss, but I wasn't ready for it. Does that make sense? Like how you can know there's no logical reason to be scared of spiders, but you're still terrified of them? Yea. I guess not.

I was told that around 6 months post op is when the hair loss should stop. As long as I get all my protein, water, vitamins, etc in then it should stop and it will grow back.

Still think I took the easy way out?


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